Analysis of the temperature and aeration effect in the growth of the bacterium Bacillus spp IBT 42 and its yueld of PHB

Cesar Galicia Beltrán
Leticia López Zamora
Daniel Segura Gonzalez
Libertad A. Adaya García
Revista y/o libro: 
1sr. Biotechnology World Symposium
Plastic products have very versatile qualities among which are their durability and resistance to degradation. Their annual consumption have increased from 5 million tons in 1950 to about 200 million tons per year in 2013, however their resistance to degradation and their extensive use generate waste, which that accumulate in the environment at a rate 25 million tons per year. That´s why we want to replace petroleum-based plastics for biodegradable bioplastics, with similar or superior properties such as the polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). The large scale production of PHB by microbial medium depends on achieving low cost processes. The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of temperature and aeration on PHB production and growth of Bacillus spp IBT 42 when using a cheap lignocellulosic material as carbon source